Organic Gardening Resources for Seniors

By Rob Danforth, Senior Organic Gardening Coordinator

Experienced urban organic food gardener (over 45 yrs.) & gardening coach (over 12 yrs.) for Canadian Organic Growers – Ottawa/St Lawrence /Outaouais Chapter, Senior Organic Gardeners, Just Food Ottawa, and private groups.

Past gardening experiences with vegetables, herbs, & the flowers that support them in plots, raised beds, & containers (pots, box beds, elevated beds, cold frames, composters, & recycled items).  Backyard (45 yrs.+), Gloucester Allotment Gardens (14 yrs.), Arrowsmith Community Gardens & Gloucester Emergency Food Cupboard Garden (7 yrs.).  Past donor of organic vegetables & herbs [most of the produce on the 2900 sq. ft. we used to garden] to GEFC & CCRC food banks (10 yrs.).

  • Gardening coach:  seminars, articles, hands-on workshops, consultation booths, & zooms (over 12 events with translators).
  • Past team member, founding Senior Organic Gardeners and Arrowsmith Community Gardens.
  • Past volunteer at Gloucester Emergency Food Cupboard (14 yrs.).

Want to help SOG?

Through the support of our donors, we reach out to hundreds of seniors in the Ottawa region.

Thank you to everyone who support us! Merci Beaucoup!